Sup, iam Janet Blacker, I hope all goes well today.

Is Bartending Hard? [Solved]

While it’s true that it’s a social job with a lot of fun aspects, it’s also hard work, both mentally and physically. Seriously. You’ll be on your feet all day, you’ll be dealing with a lot of people who all want your attention, and you’ll constantly be on the go. When bars get busy, bartending becomes stressful.Sep 9, 2022

Is It Hard To Be A Bartender - What Most Won’t Tell You

Are you asking yourself the question, is it

How To Become A Bartender - What Do Bars Look For When Hiring A Bartender? -

———————Transcript———————– How To Be a

DAY IN THE LIFE OF A BARTENDER (how much money do I make??)

Super stoked I could bring you guys along to work with me and you can all see exactly what I do!! Also how much money there is …