Greetings, iam Ronald Black, Have a pleasant day.

Is It Good To Fall Asleep While Meditating? [Solved]

In any case, if you fall asleep, don’t be alarmed – your body’s response to meditation is usually a reflection of the thoughts, emotions and sensations that linger deep within. Falling asleep is not a sign of failure, it’s a sign that you are a relaxed (and possibly exhausted) meditator.

How Not to Fall Asleep During Meditation | Sadhguru

Sadhguru gives a simple and effective tip – eating 24 morsels of food and chewing each morsel 24 times – to stay alert throughout …

Why You Sometimes Fall Asleep While Meditating | Emily Fletcher

The first couple seconds of this video may just be one of most iconic moments in Vishen Lakhiani’s interviewing career —

Why Do I Keep Falling Asleep During Meditation | Is This A Problem? [Ama_014]

The average person who thinks they are