Namaste, iam Iola Rash, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.

Is It Ok To Spray Water In Your Ear? [Solved]

Are There Risks Involved? If you have a high risk for a perforation of the eardrum, ear irrigation is not safe. If you have a history of ear damage from sharp objects in your ear, eardrum surgery, middle ear disease, or radiation therapy to the ear, then use an alternative method of ear cleaning.Nov 7, 2019

Forget Q-Tips — Here’s How You Should Be Cleaning Your Ears

NYU Otologist Erich Voigt explains the proper way to clean wax out of

How to safely remove EAR WAX at home using a bulb syringe | Doctor O’Donovan explains!

Dr O’Donovan takes you through a step-by-step guide on how to safely wash out the

I block out sound from spraying water into your ears

It is a normal hygienic procedure to clean our ears once every few days. However, not all of us know that