Sup, iam Melanie Mees, Have an A+ day.

Is Portal Vein Thrombosis Life Threatening? [Solved]

Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is a blood clot of the portal vein, also known as the hepatic portal vein. This vein allows blood to flow from the intestines to the liver. A PVT blocks this blood flow. Although PVT is treatable, it can be life-threatening.

Portal Vein Thrombosis

  • With Picmonic, get your

PT ::: Portal Vein Thrombosis Pain ::: Patient ::: Mr. Nsabimava Aloys ::: Dr. Daga Sachin . V

Mr. Nsabimava Aloys, 42 years old from Rwanda was admitted for

Portal Vein Thrombosis
