Namaste, iam Clark Williams, G’day, mate.

What Age Is The Oldest Smoker? [Solved]

Jeanne Calment was already a minor national treasure in her native France when she passed away in Arles in 1997 at the age of 122 and 165 days. French TV news had been featuring her birthday for at least a decade before the end, noting her penchant for a daily cigarette and glass of wine.Sep 16, 2019

109-Year-Old Veteran and His Secrets to Life Will Make You Smile | Short Film Showcase

#NationalGeographic #Veterans #ShortFilmShowcase About Short Film Showcase: The Short Film Showcase spotlights …

The 13 Year-Old Chain Smoker (Full Documentary) | Real Families

Joel is 13 years old, and has been

A 9 year old chain smoker from Indonesia - vpro Metropolis

By now the whole world knows that