Hola, iam Clarence Dominguez, G’day, mate.

What Are The Odds Of A Small Business Being Audited? [Solved]

The chances of the IRS auditing your taxes are somewhat low. About 1 percent of taxpayers are audited, according to data furnished by the IRS. If you run a small business, though, your chances are slightly higher as about 2.5 percent of small business owners face an audit.

Your Chances of an IRS AUDIT if You Make Under $500K

In this video, we discuss

What to do if my BUSINESS is AUDITED?!?!

One of the scariest things for a

7 Reasons Why You Need An AUDIT | What is it? Benefits for SME, Startup & Family Business | Purpose

If you’re a start-up or small or growing business, you would better know what an