Hola, iam Margaret Darby, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

What Are Twins In Sudoku? [Solved]

Introduction. Identical twins are two cells on the Sudoku board that are known to have the same value. The actual value of the cells don’t need to be known to call the numbers identical twins.

Twins and Triplets in Sudoku

Since this video includes many screens that require reading, keep your cursor ready to pause it as needed. Some pauses are built …

Sudoku Primer 159 - Sudoku - mastering and using the incredible power of twins

This video shows you a few different ways to use

Sudoku Primer 307 - Finding and Using Sudoku Identical Twins

Correction: I put the wrong number in box 8 - the very last number I entered in the puzzle should have been a 5 but I put a 2 in …