Greetings, iam Charles Trevino, Hope you’re doing well!

What Can I Do To Prevent Covid-19 During Grocery Shopping? [Solved]

• Clean your hands with sanitizer before entering the store.• Cover a cough or sneeze in your bent elbow or tissue.• Maintain at least a 1-metre distance from others, and if you can’t maintain this distance, wear a mask (many stores now require a mask).• Once home, wash your hands thoroughly and also after handling and storing your purchased products.

Coronavirus tips: How to grocery shop safely during COVID-19 pandemic

One of the few reasons we

Stop COVID-19 infection: Guide to safe grocery shopping

Before you go Prepare a

7 Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping during COVID-19

The information in this video is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.