Sup, iam Jeffrey Obrien, Enjoy your time-off from me!

What Does Hands On Thighs Mean? [Solved]

Putting both hands on the thighs with the elbows out sideways can be a sitting version of hands-on-hips, widening the body and showing displeasure or threatening action. Touching the thighs draws attention to them. As the thighs are near the genitals, touching can be very suggestive.

A Way To Touch A Girl That Gives Her Goosebumps

Girls, especially the attractive ones who can be with any guy they want, prefer to be with the one who is experienced and knows …

10 Body Language Signs He’s Attracted To You


5 Secret Physiological Ways To Tell A Girl Is Into You

Have you ever noticed a chick staring at you and wondered what she was thinking?