Greetings, iam Kenneth Reese, Have a nice day.

What Is The First Rule Of Safety At Work? [Solved]

Knowing how to perform a job properly includes knowing how to do it safely. To protect themselves and their coworkers, new employees have to get to know their jobs inside out. In fact, OSHA requires it.Apr 4, 2013

Health and safety – 23 – English at Work has the phrases for you

After the incident in the warehouse, Paul thinks the team needs an update on their health and

The #1 rule of Linework! - 100% Unedited

Hey Guys! it’s been a crazy busy week (what else is new ). While waiting for the lightning to pass, I saw this post online and saw …

Road-Users Ignore Safety-First Rule

(29 Mar 1934) Jay-walkers and foolish drivers contribute some practical examples of reckless behaviour. Find out more about AP …