Namaste, iam Gabriel Delgadillo, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

What Is The Formula For Calculating A Tip? [Solved]

People generally tip 15-20% of the bill. To calculate tip multiply the total check by 1 plus the decimal percentage tip you’d like to leave. If you wanted to leave a 20% tip, you would add 1 to 0.20 to get 1.20. Multiply the bill by 1.20 to get the total amount you’d leave including tip.

Google Search Tip: Calculate anything

Use Google Search

How to calculate a tip and split the bill with Calculator on your Apple Watch – Apple Support


Real Estate Tip Tuesday - Determining the Value of your Property

One of the tools I use is the appraiser’s report that I download from the mls that helps me